316 Stainless Steel LDHC Couplings
4K Layers NBR nitrile rubber covered fire hose
EPDM lined double jacket fire hose
EPDM lined semi-rigid fire hose
EPDM lined single jacket fire hose
inner PUX outer PUX No-dig pipe rehabilitation liner
Inner PVDF outer PE No-dig pipe rehabilitation liner
Inner TPU outer PE No-dig pipe rehabilitation liner
MED EN14540 approved fire hose
NBR nitrile rubber covered fire hose
NBR nitrile rubber lined double jacket fire hose
NBR nitrile rubber lined single jacket fire hose
Nitrile Rubber / TPR Lined double jacket fire hose
nitrile rubber lined single jacket fire hose
NSF approved potable water hose
Through-the-weave NBR agricultural irrigation Hose
Through-the-weave NBR frac water hose
Through-the-weave TPU agricultural Hose
Through-the-weave TPU covered and NBR inner hose
Through-the-weave TPU frac water hose
Through-the-weave TPU hose for produced water
Through-the-weave TPU hose with copper wire
TPR covered tube with clockwise TPR helix suction hose
TPR covered tube with rigid TPR helix suction hose
TPR lined single jacket fire hose
TPR/NBR nitrile blend covered hose
TPU Covered potable water hose
TPU covered tube with colockwise TPU helix suction hose
TPU lined dbouble jacket fire hose
TPU lined double jacket potable water hose
TPU lined semi-rigid fire hose
TPU lined single jacket fire hose
UL BS6391 LR approved fire hose